Thursday, September 11, 2008

An overdue update

First, I want to apologize for not updating in such a long time. It seems like if you I let it go for a couple of days I just keep forgetting.

Dad is doing ok. Not good or great or anywhere close, just ok. They have changed his chemo drugs and he is no longer on Sisplatin (sp?) and it's not affecting him quite as strongly. The only problem is the sisplatin damaged his system so much in the beginning his body just can't seem to catch up.

He went yesterday for his chemo and was unable to have his treatment because his platelets were so low. So this is another added week - another postponed treatment. He also received an injection to increase his RED blood cells. They gave him some IV fluids as well, hoping that would help him feel a little better.

Next week he will HOPEFULLY have his chemo followed by 5 days of injections to increase his WHITE blood cells. Please pray for him during those days especially. He has had these injections before and they cause debilitating bone pain. His body did not tolerate them well last time.

He's just taking it one day at a time and hopes for some good days. Just pray for his strength - he just feels so weak right now and we can all tell how much it is discouraging him. Just pray for a boost of spirits and for more good days than bad.

I do promise to update more often.