Friday, July 11, 2008


Well....Dad's mad at us. HA!

We thought it would be best for him to rest......he wants COMPANY!!!

They should be moving him to a room today and he wants to see all of you. If we could just request that you limit your visit to just a few minutes. He's not going to want to hush and let you leave!! He still wants to shepherd his flock.

1 comment:

HeltonTexas said...

Love and prayers from HeltonTexas!
We are thinking of you so often Brother David.
You have always been there praying for us and now you are reaping what you have sewn.
The next time we are in town, we hope we can visit you.
Still need to see Audrey and you to meet this child of ours!
He's not beating up his daddy yet, but it's only a matter of time.
Lots of love.
Will and Bern and Jaxon