Monday, August 18, 2008

A quick update

Dad is home this evening and feeling a bit better. He was so dehydrated that when they tried to take his blood pressure while standing they weren't able to get anything to register. So - after some fluids - he is feeling better. He even requested cereal. Cocoa Puffs to be exact. Mom said in their 40 years together she's never seen him eat a bowl of Cocoa Puffs - but that's what he wanted so he got it!

He will go back to Carti in the morning for more fluids, another shot to help increase his white blood cells. They will know his magnesium and potassium levels and if either of those are low he will have to receive them intraveneously as well.

Mrs. Virginia sent out an e-mail earlier but I just wanted to say again the "rules". He can not leave the house or be around anyone except immediate family until his white cell count has improved. He is so immuno-compromised that he won't even be able to eat the food that has been brought in from the church. So I think she has cancelled the meals for this week. We hate to inconvenience you but we're just doing what's best for Dad. He has a LONG list of things he can't eat - even bananas!

So just continue praying.


cyt said...

We are praying for renewed strength and wisdom for the doctor to determine the exact course of action.
We love you, Bro. David.

Carmen and Jerry

Martha said...

We are praying for you to feel better. We love and miss you,
Paul and Martha Helton

Kecia said...

Hey Leigh, I was talking to a friend who went through chemo and radiation, and he said they found out that the more protein he ate before a treatment, the less sick it made him. He said anytime your dad feels like eating, get him to eat as much protein as he can, because it really helped.
And hopefully it will encourage y'all to hear that he (whose name is also David) has been cancer-free for 2 years now!
Praying for you all-

Anonymous said...

Hi Leigh -
It's been a while since an update, and we were out of town this past Sunday. How's Bro. Dave?

S and J said...

Still praying here in Fort Worth, TX!!! Love, The Lasiters