Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Dad is doing really well. He went out to eat lunch with us the past couple of days and even went to Best Buy last night. (He DEFINITELY needed that new TV! He'll be so cooped up in the house for the next few months.) He was pretty tired today, I think he may be overdoing it just a bit. I can't blame him though, no one wants to just lay around....especially not Daddy.

He had his staples out yesterday and is feeling a little more comfortable after that. Dr. Chauvin (sp?) said everything looked and sounded great! Oh, and he told him he could start to pick up Audrey next week if he felt like it. Dad was excited about that.

He met with his oncologist today. I think they will wait another 2-4 weeks before starting chemo. They want him to be feeling a bit stronger before punching him in the gut again. HA! He's anemic so he has to get his blood built back up before they start as well.

He will do 4 rounds and that will be one treatment a week for 16 weeks. I was under the impression it was 1 week a month (for 2-3 days) for 4 months - so if anyone has any insight into that, please share. They of course had to share all of the "Possible Side Effects" with mom and dad - followed with "This happens rarely". Please pray that this goes smoothly and he doesn't feel TOO awful. We know it will be hard but we also know the power of prayer. If you have been through this, or had family who has, please share with us your tips. Diet, attitude, exercise - whatever we can do to help him feel his best.

He is so excited about this Sunday. He wants to PREACH!!! He misses all of you terribly.

Michael set up his internet at his house - so you can reach him by e-mail. His address is dahat@conwaycorp.net

I will keep updating!! I just haven't had much interesting to tell you the past few days.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Dad got home around an hour ago. He is absolutely exhuasted - understandably. 9 days of no appreciable rest will do that to you. He's sore and not feeling great but so thankful to be home.

My dear husband is headed over there tomorrow to set up his internet connection so he should be online soon.

Thank you so much to Dick and Janie Longing for the delicious bar-b-que last night. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Thank you all for your cards, your prayers and your love. We have felt it wrapped around us. I will continue to keep everyone updated. Mom should be calling Dr. Reid's office today to get on the "Fast Track" for chemo. Yuck. Pray for the next 4 months.

Love to you all!

Going home!!

I just spoke with Mom, all the discharge papers have been signed and they're just waiting for the nurses to come bust him out of that room!!

Looks like it will be within the hour.

YEAAAA!!! for going home!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Going Good

Dad's surgery went well this morning. The chemo port went in and they took the drainage tubes out. He's a little worn out this afternoon but ready to go home.

If he keeps doing as well as he is right now he will be discharged in the morning. Pray that everything continues to go as it has been and he is home and in his own bed this time tomorrow.

On the way to surgery

Sorry I wasn't able to update last night. Conway Corp was having some problems.

Dad got some rest yesterday and had a great evening. It was the perkiest I have seen him since they took the epidural out. Mom said he finally hit a wall around 9 pm but that was a pretty good run. Pray for more days like that.

He's on his way to surgery as I type this. They are putting in his chemo port this morning. Mom will call me as soon as he's out and I will update. I am having a hard time this morning, for some reason, having this port put in makes it seem all the more real. Pray for a smooth and easy surgery.

We're hoping Dad gets to come home in the next day or two. He needs to get out of that hospital!! The 3-5 day stay is now on day 8. Pray he gets to come home soon.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday morning update

Good news, they finally removed one of the drainage tubes early this morning as his output of fluid saw a significant decrease overnight. They also removed a port that has been in his neck since surgery, along with this his IV had to be removed and redone. While dad is extremely relieved to be making so many steps towards getting to go home, all of this has left him exhausted and just not feeling so great. This morning we ask for your continued prayers for recovery and that he will be able to rest with little discomfort. I'll be sure to let everyone know when he is feeling up to having some company again. Thanks so much everyone!

Monday, July 14, 2008

A Rough Day

Dad has had a hard day today. It started off bad when he had a terrible coughing spell in the middle of the night that lasted almost 2 hours. The nurses were finally able to get him a cough supressant ordered and he got some relief.

When I went to see him this evening his words were "I'm miserable." He's just having a lot of discomfort, he's unable to say more than 2 or 3 words without coughing and that stupid drain is really bugging him.

Please pray that his draining slows down so they can take out that tube. I think once that comes out he will do a lot better.

They have him scheduled for Wednesday morning to put in his chemo port. Another surgery but thankfully not as major.

Thank you to everyone who is coming to see him. Know that you are always welcome. We have a sign made so if he's not feeling up to visitors it will let you know. Otherwise you can visit anytime. Just expect to hear more from Mom than Dad. His conversation skills dropped off dramatically today.

Pray for rest, he really needs it.

Love you all.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A visit from Dr. Lee

Daddy's pulmonologist just came by and is confused/concerned about why Dad's lung hasn't inflated fully and why he is still draining so much.

We just ask that you pray for complete healing of his lung. That it inflates and stops draining. It isn't until that happens that they will discuss taking the drain out and sending him home.

Otherwise he is doing well. Still in some discomfort but the pain medication is helping. He's even been up a couple of times to take a little walk.

Mom just wanted me to update and ask for you to pray the specific prayer of healing. Your prayers have been working so far!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Morphine, Grandbabies and Steak

We went up to see Dad for a bit this evening. We brought the whirling dervish (AKA, Audrey) so we weren't able to stay too long.

He's doing ok. They have removed his epidural and the lidocaine drip so he's definitely more uncomfortable than he has been. The surgeon was under the impression that they had left his epidural in so he was only allowing Dad some very mild pain medication. After getting everything worked out they ordered him some morphine. So by the time Mom left he was definitely doing better.

I printed out your comments and birthday wishes. They gave him some much needed smiles. (This was Pre-Morphine) He really enjoyed reading all of them. Even though his birthday is over feel free to send me any happy memory or funny story you might have about Dad. Again my e-mail is leighmidd@hotmail.com

Audrey gave Boppa his birthday gifts. I think this little one will be the therapy he needs. Can you see them winking at each other? She has him wrapped tight around those little fingers. (Click on the pictures to see them bigger.)


Here you go Boppa!

Happy Birthday!

After we left Dr. Lander brought Mom and Dad a homemade steak dinner. It was definitely "Just what the doctor ordered"!

Pray for a peaceful night of sleep and for the pain to weaken every day.

As I was leaving this evening I told Dad "Haaaappy Birthdaaaay" in an "Eeyore" kind of voice. He stopped me and said "Leigh, if you think about it, this is a VERY Happy Birthday". His strength amazes me.

Houston, we have a room!

Conway Regional
Room 412

Go see the preacher.

Bring chocolate! (Ok, you don't HAVE to bring chocolate. The overflow has been coming home with me. SO.......if you WANT to........HA!!)

He still has a bit of a fever today. The last time I was updated it was around 99.7 - we're still waiting to find out what's causing it. Continue to pray it's nothing serious.

We are so grateful to everyone in CCU. He had amazing care while he was there. But we sure hope we don't have to see those nurses again for......ever.

Mom is on her way back up to the hospital and I have a feeling we'll be taking a special little someone to give her Boppa a kiss as soon as she wakes up from her nap.

Daddy is just overwhelmed by all of you love and prayers (and chocolate!). We cannot thank you enough.

Friday, July 11, 2008

This evening

Dad is running a fever again this evening, around 101. They did some labwork and are going to check his dressings to make sure they don't see any infection. The labwork should take about 24 hours to get back so it looks like they're going to keep him in CCU another day. I think he would prefer it that way since he's getting such good care (AND good food!).

Pray that these fevers stop and that he has a restful night. He can't wait to get in a room so that he can see everyone.

Remember that CCU visiting hours are 8-9 am 12-1 pm 5-6 pm and 8-9 pm.

I will update in the morning and hopefully be telling you his room # soon!



Well....Dad's mad at us. HA!

We thought it would be best for him to rest......he wants COMPANY!!!

They should be moving him to a room today and he wants to see all of you. If we could just request that you limit your visit to just a few minutes. He's not going to want to hush and let you leave!! He still wants to shepherd his flock.

His Birthday

Tomorrow is Daddy's 59th birthday and I wanted to do something special. Who wants to celebrate their birthday in the hospital? Yuck!

So think of your fondest memory, funniest story, happiest moment you have had with Dad and send me an e-mail telling me all about it.


I want to have LOTS to give him tomorrow. I know that will give him some much needed smiles.


The results are back

We got the pathology reports back this morning.

There is NO CANCER in the lymph nodes and it is STAGE 1A!!!!!

While this is wonderful news, the tumor was 2.3 cm big. At 3 cm they recommend chemo. Since that is so close the doctors recommended four rounds of chemo. That is scary - but we would much rather be doing preventative chemo. He is upset - the doctors told him he will lose his hair and when Audrey has her immunizations he will not be able to be around her for 14 days. It will be hard but with God's help we can do anything for four months.

He's planning on feeling all better for our trip to Disneyworld in late November!

So please start praying for strength, no recurrances and a quick four months. Also pray that Audrey stays healthy during this chemo. Her Boppa needs to spend time with her and get as many hugs and kisses as possible. I think she will be the best therapy for him.

Thank you for your faithfulness.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

For Boppa

Click to play For Boppa
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Dad has a little fever this evening and a bit of raspiness in his lungs. Mom spoke with the nurses and they assured her that a low grade fever is normal - as is the raspiness. I guess when you've just had half a lung removed, you're going to sound a little raspy.

Even with the reassurances it's still easy to worry and think of the very worst.

So please pray for the fever to go down and for Daddy to feel alright this evening.

Pray for a better overnight than last night. Pray for rest and for peace.

Pray for us as well - that we won't always assume the worst and that we aren't constantly worrying ourselves sick. Easy to say, right???

Goodnight to all!


Day 3

Daddy had a pretty rough night - he had a lot of discomfort and didn't rest well. A couple of times his bed had been adjusted and he wasn't able to reach the nurses button or his pain medicine - needless to say, the night was long.

The pathology reports still haven't come back but his oncologist guaranteed he would come back by as soon as he got the results. I think we will all feel a little bit better once we get those tests back.

His anesthesiologist came to see him before lunch and Dad told him about all of the pain he's been experiencing - plus all of the nausea, he hasn't been able to eat without feeling sick. So the anesthesiologist upped the medicine in his epidural and he was able to eat for the first time without feeling sick. He may get moved into a regular room tomorrow but I think he's a bit nervous about that after the night he had.

He's resting now, which is exactly what he needs. He even sent Mom home to rest as well. He's feeling MUCH better if he's letting her leave!!!

Thanks for all of the lovely comments - they mean so much to all of us.


P.S. He ate the cake and it was "Mmmm, mmmm, good!"

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

He's starting to feel it....

I just got a call from Mom. They have been tapering Dad's pain meds and this evening he is feeling quite a bit of pain. He's having a bit of difficulty resting and it's causing him to even feel some nausea. We're afraid that since he's been feeling SO well the past 24 hours that he may have overdone it. At the moment they have given him some other pain meds and he's asleep.

We appreciate so much everyone's visits and all of the encouragement that you have brought to him but we ask that until he is out of the CCU on Friday that you just remember him in your prayers while he rests.

Once he gets into a room I will update and let you know if he's feeling up to guests.

I spoke with him earlier this evening and he wanted me to tell all of you how much he loves you and how he appreciates your prayers.

P.S. Here's a "Dad Moment" for you. He was feeling so sick this evening he was unable to eat his dinner but as the nurse was taking his tray he asked her to leave the chocolate cake.....just in case!

Leave Comments!!!

If you don't mind - when you read my updates please leave a comment. A prayer, a praise, an uplifiting word. I want to print them out to give Daddy some extra smiles!

A helpful picture

What a help this picture was to us yesterday. Knowing that Jesus was guiding the doctor's hand and standing there with Daddy gave us so much comfort. Thanks to Pat and Floyd Ray - Mom held on tight to this all day yesterday.

Day Two

Dad's surgery went really well yesterday. Much quicker than we all expected and the doctor felt his body tolerated everything very well. They removed the lower left lobe and all of the surrounding lymph nodes. The surgeon noted that he had some calcifications in the nodes but informed us that calcifications are normal in this area because of all the fungus in the air. They have sent everything to pathology and we are waiting for those results. They should come tomorrow.

Laine and I were allowed to see him for a bit last night and when we were walking to the CCU we were expecting the worst. We walked around the corner to our Daddy, sitting up and chatting away with Dr. Lander Smith. He is doing MARVELOUSLY!! Of course, we'll see how well he is doing when they take the epidural and the lidocaine drip away!!! Pray for an easy transition.

He has met with his pulmonoligist, Dr. Lee and his oncologists, Dr. Tsuda and Dr. Reed. Dr. Lee told Dad that he is his second patient in twenty years of practice that he has treated for lung cancer that has never smoked one cigarette or lived with second-hand smoke. We told him he should start playing the lotto with odds like that!!! (Of course, we were kidding.)

When we get his pathology results back that will let us know what kind of chemotherapy they will start. If it's type 1A then they won't require chemo, if it's 1B it will probably be around 4 rounds - and so on. After speaking with his doctors (and with us) he has decided he will probably go ahead and do a few rounds even if it is just 1A - just to be on the safe side. Pray for Stage 1A and that it did not get into his lymph nodes.

Dr. Lander Smith has worked it out for Mom to be with Dad all the time in CCU - so if you come to the waiting room, you won't find her there. He should be moved to a regular room tomorrow if he continues to do as well as he has been. Pray for continued improvement. He may even get to be home as soon as Saturday!!

We are so thankful for all of you. Thank you for being with us yesterday and comforting us through a very hard time. Thank you for your prayers and for the prayers we know you will continue to lift up for Daddy - we need as many as you can give!

I will post as often as I hear anything - so check back often.
