Saturday, July 12, 2008

Morphine, Grandbabies and Steak

We went up to see Dad for a bit this evening. We brought the whirling dervish (AKA, Audrey) so we weren't able to stay too long.

He's doing ok. They have removed his epidural and the lidocaine drip so he's definitely more uncomfortable than he has been. The surgeon was under the impression that they had left his epidural in so he was only allowing Dad some very mild pain medication. After getting everything worked out they ordered him some morphine. So by the time Mom left he was definitely doing better.

I printed out your comments and birthday wishes. They gave him some much needed smiles. (This was Pre-Morphine) He really enjoyed reading all of them. Even though his birthday is over feel free to send me any happy memory or funny story you might have about Dad. Again my e-mail is

Audrey gave Boppa his birthday gifts. I think this little one will be the therapy he needs. Can you see them winking at each other? She has him wrapped tight around those little fingers. (Click on the pictures to see them bigger.)


Here you go Boppa!

Happy Birthday!

After we left Dr. Lander brought Mom and Dad a homemade steak dinner. It was definitely "Just what the doctor ordered"!

Pray for a peaceful night of sleep and for the pain to weaken every day.

As I was leaving this evening I told Dad "Haaaappy Birthdaaaay" in an "Eeyore" kind of voice. He stopped me and said "Leigh, if you think about it, this is a VERY Happy Birthday". His strength amazes me.

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