Friday, July 11, 2008

This evening

Dad is running a fever again this evening, around 101. They did some labwork and are going to check his dressings to make sure they don't see any infection. The labwork should take about 24 hours to get back so it looks like they're going to keep him in CCU another day. I think he would prefer it that way since he's getting such good care (AND good food!).

Pray that these fevers stop and that he has a restful night. He can't wait to get in a room so that he can see everyone.

Remember that CCU visiting hours are 8-9 am 12-1 pm 5-6 pm and 8-9 pm.

I will update in the morning and hopefully be telling you his room # soon!



Jane Phillips said...

We continue to pray for Bro. Dave. Thanks for keeping us up-dated!

cyt said...

Leigh, I know you remember tha trip to Italy when everyone stayed together in Veronique and Mike's house. I gained a whole new perspective on your Dad during that trip. Standing beside him at the kitchen sink, with his hair sort of "uncombed" and in a t-shirt and khaki shorts, made him a little more REAL than he had ever been before. I felt that he became my 'brother' that week and it made a difference in the way I have been able to communicate with him ever since.
He is precious to all of us, but in a really differnt way, he is my brother.

Hope this birthday is wonderful for him in spite of the circumstances.

Blessings to each of you.

Kecia said...

Happy Birthday, Bro. Dave!