Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Dad is doing really well. He went out to eat lunch with us the past couple of days and even went to Best Buy last night. (He DEFINITELY needed that new TV! He'll be so cooped up in the house for the next few months.) He was pretty tired today, I think he may be overdoing it just a bit. I can't blame him though, no one wants to just lay around....especially not Daddy.

He had his staples out yesterday and is feeling a little more comfortable after that. Dr. Chauvin (sp?) said everything looked and sounded great! Oh, and he told him he could start to pick up Audrey next week if he felt like it. Dad was excited about that.

He met with his oncologist today. I think they will wait another 2-4 weeks before starting chemo. They want him to be feeling a bit stronger before punching him in the gut again. HA! He's anemic so he has to get his blood built back up before they start as well.

He will do 4 rounds and that will be one treatment a week for 16 weeks. I was under the impression it was 1 week a month (for 2-3 days) for 4 months - so if anyone has any insight into that, please share. They of course had to share all of the "Possible Side Effects" with mom and dad - followed with "This happens rarely". Please pray that this goes smoothly and he doesn't feel TOO awful. We know it will be hard but we also know the power of prayer. If you have been through this, or had family who has, please share with us your tips. Diet, attitude, exercise - whatever we can do to help him feel his best.

He is so excited about this Sunday. He wants to PREACH!!! He misses all of you terribly.

Michael set up his internet at his house - so you can reach him by e-mail. His address is dahat@conwaycorp.net

I will keep updating!! I just haven't had much interesting to tell you the past few days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is Bro. Dave's email address correct? I tried dahat@conwaycorp.net and it came back undeliverable.
Stacye Austin