Thursday, July 10, 2008


Dad has a little fever this evening and a bit of raspiness in his lungs. Mom spoke with the nurses and they assured her that a low grade fever is normal - as is the raspiness. I guess when you've just had half a lung removed, you're going to sound a little raspy.

Even with the reassurances it's still easy to worry and think of the very worst.

So please pray for the fever to go down and for Daddy to feel alright this evening.

Pray for a better overnight than last night. Pray for rest and for peace.

Pray for us as well - that we won't always assume the worst and that we aren't constantly worrying ourselves sick. Easy to say, right???

Goodnight to all!



Anonymous said...

Good early AM, leaving for work now, thinking about you and your family. Praying for a day of peace, rest, and comfort. Al

Linda Treadway said...

Dear Leigh,
I am so sorry that Pastor David is running a fever and has experienced restless nights. Please tell him that we are praying for him multiple times throughout the day! Please also tell Cheryl to take care of herself. Your parents are so near and dear to our hearts. Love, The Treadways