Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day Two

Dad's surgery went really well yesterday. Much quicker than we all expected and the doctor felt his body tolerated everything very well. They removed the lower left lobe and all of the surrounding lymph nodes. The surgeon noted that he had some calcifications in the nodes but informed us that calcifications are normal in this area because of all the fungus in the air. They have sent everything to pathology and we are waiting for those results. They should come tomorrow.

Laine and I were allowed to see him for a bit last night and when we were walking to the CCU we were expecting the worst. We walked around the corner to our Daddy, sitting up and chatting away with Dr. Lander Smith. He is doing MARVELOUSLY!! Of course, we'll see how well he is doing when they take the epidural and the lidocaine drip away!!! Pray for an easy transition.

He has met with his pulmonoligist, Dr. Lee and his oncologists, Dr. Tsuda and Dr. Reed. Dr. Lee told Dad that he is his second patient in twenty years of practice that he has treated for lung cancer that has never smoked one cigarette or lived with second-hand smoke. We told him he should start playing the lotto with odds like that!!! (Of course, we were kidding.)

When we get his pathology results back that will let us know what kind of chemotherapy they will start. If it's type 1A then they won't require chemo, if it's 1B it will probably be around 4 rounds - and so on. After speaking with his doctors (and with us) he has decided he will probably go ahead and do a few rounds even if it is just 1A - just to be on the safe side. Pray for Stage 1A and that it did not get into his lymph nodes.

Dr. Lander Smith has worked it out for Mom to be with Dad all the time in CCU - so if you come to the waiting room, you won't find her there. He should be moved to a regular room tomorrow if he continues to do as well as he has been. Pray for continued improvement. He may even get to be home as soon as Saturday!!

We are so thankful for all of you. Thank you for being with us yesterday and comforting us through a very hard time. Thank you for your prayers and for the prayers we know you will continue to lift up for Daddy - we need as many as you can give!

I will post as often as I hear anything - so check back often.



S and J said...

Thank you SO much, Leigh, for setting up this blog. We have already bookmarked it and will check back often for new news. Tell your mom and dad that the Lasiter's are praying for him in Texas!!

Martha said...

Thanks for doing this is so informative and lets me feel like I am there with you guys. What a great idea! Sounds like everything is going well considering. I love you all and sending tons of prayers from PA!

Anonymous said...

Please tell your mom and dad that we have been praying for the best results and outcome that is possible. Thank you so much for the updates. You are a blessing to him and to us all.

And we thank our Heavenly Father for his protection and care.

Jim and Judy Parker

Jane Phillips said...

Leigh, Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to create this and keep everyone posted. Even though Jeremy, Zoe and I have moved to the DC area we keep up with WHBC and I still receieve prayer requests. We have been praying and so has our new church family here at Centreville Baptist Church. I pray the Lord brings a special kind of peace to you and the family during this time. Love and Prayers from Washington DC!!!

My name is Kim. said...

We are praying for Bro. Dave and family.
Jerry, Kim, Hannah & Haley McKee

Youngs said...

Thank you so much for creating this blog. We have been so anxious for an update. How thankful we are to hear that things are going well. Rest assured that our prayers are constant. We love you all.
Jerry and Susan Young

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the updates, technology is so great!! I am so thankful that things went well and have confidence that God is watching over you all through this time! Tell Cheryl that everyone in our class is praying for them both and we are sending our love. God Bless You all and get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update!! I was WAY anxious to hear news yesterday. All the Squires and families are praying and waiting to hear GREAT news as you recover. There is a sweet little girl with a cute smile waiting for you be well and play with her.

Anonymous said...

This is very good news! Thanks for the updates. We are so thankful he is doing so well.

Anonymous said...

Brother Dave,
We are so glad everything went well with your surgery. We have been praying daily for you and your family.
We have only been here about 3 years. You draw everyone closer to the Lord with your sermons and it's awesome to see my children look forward to being in church. Can't wait till you are back! Our church family in Illinois is praying for you and your family as well. Debbie Hollis

Anonymous said...

Brother Dave,
I am praying for you. I love you. I miss you. I always pray for you. Please come back soon.
Joshua Hollis

Anonymous said...

Brother Dave,
Just wanted you to know I am thinking about and praying for you and your family.
Brianna Hollis