Friday, July 11, 2008

The results are back

We got the pathology reports back this morning.

There is NO CANCER in the lymph nodes and it is STAGE 1A!!!!!

While this is wonderful news, the tumor was 2.3 cm big. At 3 cm they recommend chemo. Since that is so close the doctors recommended four rounds of chemo. That is scary - but we would much rather be doing preventative chemo. He is upset - the doctors told him he will lose his hair and when Audrey has her immunizations he will not be able to be around her for 14 days. It will be hard but with God's help we can do anything for four months.

He's planning on feeling all better for our trip to Disneyworld in late November!

So please start praying for strength, no recurrances and a quick four months. Also pray that Audrey stays healthy during this chemo. Her Boppa needs to spend time with her and get as many hugs and kisses as possible. I think she will be the best therapy for him.

Thank you for your faithfulness.



Martha said...

This is wonderful! God is so good and prayers are so answered! Whoo Hoo!

S and J said...

Thanks for sharing the good news! We continue to pray...

Anonymous said...

Nancy Spurr