Monday, July 14, 2008

A Rough Day

Dad has had a hard day today. It started off bad when he had a terrible coughing spell in the middle of the night that lasted almost 2 hours. The nurses were finally able to get him a cough supressant ordered and he got some relief.

When I went to see him this evening his words were "I'm miserable." He's just having a lot of discomfort, he's unable to say more than 2 or 3 words without coughing and that stupid drain is really bugging him.

Please pray that his draining slows down so they can take out that tube. I think once that comes out he will do a lot better.

They have him scheduled for Wednesday morning to put in his chemo port. Another surgery but thankfully not as major.

Thank you to everyone who is coming to see him. Know that you are always welcome. We have a sign made so if he's not feeling up to visitors it will let you know. Otherwise you can visit anytime. Just expect to hear more from Mom than Dad. His conversation skills dropped off dramatically today.

Pray for rest, he really needs it.

Love you all.

1 comment:

cyt said...

We are so sorry that the "misery bug" has bitten in room 412. Know that we are praying for you all.
We get mixed signals regarding visits, but we want to see you. Hope you are up to that today.
We love you,
Carmen and Jerry