Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A helpful picture

What a help this picture was to us yesterday. Knowing that Jesus was guiding the doctor's hand and standing there with Daddy gave us so much comfort. Thanks to Pat and Floyd Ray - Mom held on tight to this all day yesterday.


Anonymous said...

We're relying on God's promise that "the fervent prayers of a righteous man (or many) availeth much". We have called upon family members in Springfield, MO, in Forrest City and our chldren here in town to hold you up in prayer.
We're trusting that your recovery and the ensuing treatment will go smoothly and will have positive outcomes. We love you and are trusting Jesus who can do all things. Dale & Sue

Anonymous said...

Leigh, I love this picture! I have never seen it before. Tell your dad that we are lifting him up in our prayers and so is Dot Anderson. She is our neighbor and has asked me everyday how your dad is doing. Thank you for creating this blog to keep everyone updated. Ed and Becky Ellis